Press Release – Diaspora Programme 2022
Press Release – Diaspora Programme 2022
Based on the initiative of the Hungarian Diaspora Council and with support from the Government of Hungary, the Rákóczi Association is providing an opportunity to 1000 young Hungarians, between the age of 10 and 25, to take part in a study tour to Hungary during the year 2022, in the framework of the “DIASPORA PROGRAMME.”
iroda Központi - 15-02-2022
We’re confident that this year, delayed trips and get-togethers will go ahead and Hungarian youth from the Carpathian Basin and beyond can be together once again.
Applications to the Diaspora Programme are open between 15 February and 15 April 2022 through the following link:
Young people between the age of 10 and 25 from the diaspora can choose between the Csíksomlyó pilgrimage, eight thematic summer camps, and the Advent programme period.
This year, the Diaspora Programme also provides an opportunity for teachers and educators active in Hungarian weekend schools and various local Hungarian communities to attend the All-Hungarian Teachers’ Camp in July.